Q: Are you able to build in areas other than Shizuoka?
Q: 設計施工のエリアは決まっていますか?
A: Currently we are able to build in the greater Shizuoka area.
A: 施工は静岡市周辺が施工可能エリアとなっております。
Q: Do you design/build with concrete?
Q: コンクリート(RC)造もやっていますか?
A: We can do virtually any structure type, and have ample experience with Japanese-style wood frame, steel and concrete. As an aside recently many of our designs are (for various reasons) 1st floor concrete with the 2nd and 3rd floors wood framed. Structural engineers work with us on every building to insure their safety / ability to withstand seismic activity.
A: どんな構造でもできます。木造は在来工法、鉄骨造もコンクリート造もいくつも手掛けて納品しております。最近は1階RC造+2~3階木造が大変多いです。また我々の提案では開口部が多いため、木造でもほとんどの場合においても構造に精通した専門家に計算を委託をいたしております。
Q: How much do your designs typically cost to build?
Q: 坪単価はおいくらくらいでしょうか?
A: We generally ask potential clients to expect costs of at least 900,000jpy/3.3m2. This can go much higher however depending on specifications/finishes and other factors.
A: 目安として設計施工の場合、使用素材などで異なりますが、税込坪単価90万円~です。
Q: What is included (or not included) in the cost above?
Q: 上記の坪単価には何が入っていますか?
A: Literally everything except furniture (sofa, refrigerator, beds, etc.) and window treatments. Landscaping, aircons, everything else you need to use the building is included.
A: 置く家具(ソファ、冷蔵庫など)とブラインド以外は設計費用含めて全部入っています。外構工事も、冷暖房なども入っています。空調形式、断熱方法、地盤強度や躯体形式などによって坪単価が変わります。
Q: What kind of insulation do you use in your designs?
Q: 断熱についての考え方を教えていただけますか。
A: Well it depends on several factors (including location/region) and budget, but we use everything from high-performance fiberglass to cellulose fiber (SPF) to exterior XPS insulation.
A: 計画建物にもよりますが、高性能GW、吹き付け断熱、外張り断熱(XPS)など、様々な条件を考慮した上で提案させていただいております。
Q: Do your designs have central heating / cooling?
A: They can – we typically build with central heating / cooling and a dehumidification system in combination with exterior XPS insulation (pretty much the best we offer). This has an impact on the cost per m2 however, so budget needs to be taken into consideration.
Q: My partner only speaks English – is it possible to have meetings regarding the design and cost etc. in English?
A: Of course.
A: 可能です。英語の場合はデレックが応対いたします。